Maintains clean coolant constantly through your equipment. A PCX is a packaged cooling system which uses a plate and frame or a shell and tube type heat exchanger to cool equipment by a closed loop using an external water source, such as plant process water, tower water, pond or river water. The closed loop may be filled with a water-glycol mixture, deionized water, city water, or other clean heat transfer fluid.
The HydroThrift PCX system assures that no entrained air, contaminants, air-borne dirt or chemicals from treated or untreated water, as in open or "once-through" cooling systems, are evident in your liquid cooled equipment.
Increase life, reduce maintenance costs. Service life of your production equipment is extended because scaling, liming, and corrosion on coils, water jackets and heat exchangers are prevented, resulting in higher efficiency in your equipment, less repairs, maintenance and downtime, and lower per hour operating cost.
Another reason for efficient service is that flow, temperature and pressure in operation are controlled in the highly engineered HydroThrift PCX system, minimizing the costly inconsistencies found in external "once-through" cooling.
Compact, easy to install. The prepackaged unit consisting of the pump, control panel, and mounted heat exchanger, is delivered to you with installed temperature and pressure gauges monitoring pump and heat exchanger inlet and outlet parameters.
Heat Exchanger: Plate and Frame or Shell and Tube. Mounted on the pump and control skid, either type of heat exchanger transfers the heat carried by the coolant from the heat load to the external cooling water. Plate and frame heat exchangers provide closer approach temperatures to the cooling water temperature. Shell and tube types facilitate cleaning of the external water side of the exchanger. Both are engineered and built for the most efficient operation and heat transfer.
Surge and vent tank. To minimize oxidation of heat transfer surfaces, the ASME code-welded surge and vent tank deaerates the coolant, and includes gauge glass, fill port, drain and vent valves.
System line gauges. Inlet and outlet gauges display pressure and temperature differentials for continuous monitoring of the cooling system.
Automatic control with manual override for reliability and safety. The UL508A designed and manufactured electrical enclosure includes motor controls for the pump motors; and off/on selector switch for the system pump motor; The 115-volt control circuit interfaces with thermostatically controlled components for automatic operation.
Rugged, close-coupled centrifugal pump provides compact design. Couplings, alignment problems and attendant wear are eliminated through the use of heavy-duty centrifugal pumps close-coupled on the motor shafts. Pumps are equipped with mechanical seals. Pump capacities are typically rated at 100 feet head with higher pump heads available as conditions demand.
Packaged pump and control skid. Pumps, electrical enclosure, vent and surge tank, piping, valves, gauges, skid wiring and thermostatic modulating valves if required), and the plate and frame or the shell and tube heat exchanger are all completely factory assembled on a full-deck fabricated steel base.
Optional equipment. Custom engineering allows a wide-range of options including alarm systems for low flow, high temperature or low liquid level; main panel disconnect switch interlocked with door; dual, full capacity stand-by pump with alternator to automatically start stand-by pump, in case of operating pump failure; thermostatically modulated valve that controls water through the mounted heat exchangers when there is a reduction in cooling required; and other monitoring and control equipment, as requested.
The bottom line is that HydroThrift cooling systems provide continuous, high-efficiency heat transfer. And deliver it at less initial cost and with better payback than other cooling systems.
HydroThrift Corporation • 1301 Sanders Ave. SW • P.O. Box 1037 • Massillon, Ohio 44648-1037 • Map • Phone: 330-837-5141 Copyright © 2017-2025 HydroThrift Corporation